I’ve been toying with Tarot cards and I have questions.
Is the "t" at the end of “Tarot” silent, or just playing coy?
Are there any specific rules to follow so I don’t end up cursing myself or can this be a fun fling?
These are the things plaguing my mind right now because the last thing I want is to piss off any Kings of Wands or—eek—Death 💀 cards I might draw. (Although, if you’ve ever watched the series Emily Dickinson on Apple TV, Death is one chill gent I wouldn’t mind kicking it with for eternity. Seriously, we could vibe.)
Anyway, about this new Tarot fling of mine—yes I had a moment of weakness a few weeks ago and dropped my email into some database and now I’m a card-pulling maniac every morning—it’s like I traded my old horoscope addiction for something a little more gen z (spirituality is so in right now, unlike the word vogue I was about to use which I’m pretty sure is sipping a martini somewhere in retirement.)
So here I am, picking cards each morning like a mystic on a bender, when BAM—the Devil card pops up. Naturally, I did what any sane person would: I spent too much time Googling its meaning to make sure I didn’t just sell my soul.
What I found out? Pulling the Devil card isn’t about igniting eternal damnation upon yourself or roasting chestnuts on an open fire.
… it goes deeper:
The Devil is a creature to be feared not because it’s some pitchfork-wielding hellhound, but because it lives within us. (this just got dark)
Adam and Eve, the lost souls on the card who are chained to the Devil? They’re choosing to stay there. (Bananas! I know.)
We have a lot more power over how we live our lives… and that freaks us out!
Ok, that last one was my take on the whole thing… and it’s what I dive into on today’s podcast, so if you’re in the mood for a little Devil talk without having to play the record backwards (remember doing that?!), pop in your earbuds, hit play, and let’s chat about unchaining ourselves from that inner demon so we can obviously begin creating the life we’re meant to enjoy!
And a P.S.: I’m hosting a free workshop on Sunday, January 26. If you’re ready to create a consistent workout program, simplify nutrition, and age fiercely in 2025, join my free workshop: A 60-minute Crash Course on Building Consistency, Enjoying Guilt-Free Me-Time, and Unleashing Your Hidden High Vibes—yes it’s a mouthful but my god it will be fun! We’re talking no-BS strategies for living your best damn life in 2025 so sign up, grab your favorite cup of joe, mimosa, or green smoothie, and let’s have an easy-like-Sunday-morning chat!
That’s all until next time, my friend! Stay fierce you little devil. 👹
P.S.S. Don’t forget to listen to today’s podcast episode and tell a friend… and rate it… and review it… and obviously subscribe to it! ❤️
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