Working on becoming...
Mindfully Yours Podcast
May you rest in peace my old limiting beliefs

May you rest in peace my old limiting beliefs

A eulogy to all my self-limiting beliefs

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Welcome to the rollercoaster ride of goal-setting and self-discovery! As a personal trainer, I spent years preaching the gospel of clarity and goal-setting to my clients. But here's the twist: while I'm great at setting goals, I'm not so hot at actually reaching them. It's like I'm stuck in a Groundhog Day loop of my own making!

One day, I finally decided to confront the culprit behind my perpetual procrastination—spoiler alert, it's me! I’ve been playing goalie to my own goals with a lineup of outdated beliefs that belong in a museum.

In this episode, I'm sharing my a-ha moment on how a seemingly innocuous journal prompt morphed into my secret weapon for slaying self-doubt and achieving clarity. Get ready for a wild ride as we navigate the twists and turns of personal growth, armed with nothing but a pen, paper, and a dash of courage.

Buckle up, buttercup, and join me on this exhilarating journey from goal-setting gridlock to clarity and beyond. If you've ever felt like your own worst enemy on the road to success, trust me, you're not alone. Tune in and let's lay to rest those crappy self-limiting beliefs!

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Working on becoming...
Mindfully Yours Podcast
Mindfully Yours talks about creating a healthier lifestyle that fits perfectly in your day-to-day life. We're here to help you create a body and life you love!