Working on becoming...
Mindfully Yours Podcast
How meditation is helping me to become less of a jerk

How meditation is helping me to become less of a jerk

There's this little thing called "space" between thoughts, and that's where the goodness lies!

Want to know how to meditate in a way that works for you? While there are many ways to meditate, I’ve found that by incorporating guided meditations, singing bowls, and binaural beats into my practice, I can achieve a deeper state of meditation. By using guided meditations I can calm my mind and slow down the steady stream of thoughts I’m typically plagued by. In turn, this slowing down allows me to focus on each thought more intently, enriching my meditation practice and allowing it to extend into my daily life.

By quieting the constant stream of thoughts, I've noticed a significant reduction of my usual knee-jerk reactions. This newfound clarity helps me to approach situations with greater thoughtfulness and intentionality, enhancing my overall well-being—and who doesn’t want that? If you’ve tried to get into a steady meditation practice, listen in and become a more deliberate creator and a less knee-jerk reactor!

Working on becoming...
Mindfully Yours Podcast
Mindfully Yours talks about creating a healthier lifestyle that fits perfectly in your day-to-day life. We're here to help you create a body and life you love!