Working on becoming...
Mindfully Yours Podcast
Dropping in, The drudgery to-do list & A question of sacrifice

Dropping in, The drudgery to-do list & A question of sacrifice

What's holding you back from starting that thing?

Have you ever noticed how tending to the drudgery seems to come easier to us? I call it the "Drudgery To-Do List," and it’s a daily slog. Laundry, tidying up, making dinner, shuffling kids around, attending meeting after Zoom meeting—we excel at getting it all done, even though we may feel passionless and frustrated every step of the way. Fun things are reserved for the weekends, but by then, we’re often too exhausted to enjoy them. This routine has become the norm for many of us as we sacrifice our dreams for the greater good.

But is it necessary to put our dreams, goals, and future aspirations on hold? Should they really be on the "Never-Get-To-Do List"? Have you ever asked yourself, “What will happen if I don’t start today?”

I think it’s a great question, and that’s what we’re discussing today!

Working on becoming...
Mindfully Yours Podcast
Mindfully Yours talks about creating a healthier lifestyle that fits perfectly in your day-to-day life. We're here to help you create a body and life you love!