Working on becoming...
Mindfully Yours Podcast
The power of you!

The power of you!

It's up to you—all of it! (Kinda scary right?!)

Don’t really be scared! I’m only half joking while not really joking at all. You are a powerful baddy who sometimes gets caught up in the lure of limited thinking because it’s easier to pass blame than to serve it to yourself on a charcuterie board.

Let’s talk about you and all the power you truly hold. Whether you’re striving to change your body to fit into clothes you love, or wanting to create a better relationship with your kids, spouse—or even yourself—or you can no longer stand your boss because you’re a peacock and you need to fly, it all begins and ends with you and your mindset. You and your story hold all the cards and often your perception of what you feel you need to do instead of what you want to do is what ends up making all of your life decisions—leaving you a sad little sac of misery with fingers pointed every which way but at yourself.

I get it, I do it too. We frequently overextend ourselves, prioritizing others’ needs and neglecting our own because of a narrative we allow to dominate our lives. But the truth is, we don’t have to. We have the power to change that story.

It’s up to us—and we have choices. Let’s get into it!

Power yourself up even more by becoming a subscriber and never once miss out on a new epsiode of the Minfully Yours podcast!

Did you know I’m a fabulous podcast host 😆 AND a wellness coach? That’s right! I help you stay accountable and build momentum so you can move from “here” to “where you want to be!” a lot easier than going it alone.

With over 15 years experience as a personal trainer, I’m here to guide you. If you’re ready to create change that suits YOU, email me at and let’s get this accountability party started! (I also used to be an accountant so I’m really good at this accountability stuff!)

Working on becoming...
Mindfully Yours Podcast
Mindfully Yours talks about creating a healthier lifestyle that fits perfectly in your day-to-day life. We're here to help you create a body and life you love!