Working on becoming...
Mindfully Yours Podcast
Why I abandoned SMART goals for a more meaningful method

Why I abandoned SMART goals for a more meaningful method

It feels so much better (wink wink!)

Ah, the elusive art of goal setting. For some, it’s a breeze, but for others (raising my hand here 🙋🏻‍♀️), it can feel like trying to hug a cactus. Today, I’m going to present a new way to set goals that invite more feeling and less to-doing!

I’m calling out the typical SMART goals and the “what’s my why” approach and introducing the concept of setting deeper, more meaningful goals that resonate on an emotional level. Imagine goals like “feeling more engaged at work”, “appreciating your body”, and “nurturing yourself with healthy, flavorful foods”. Think less “lose 10 pounds” and more “feel like a superstar who can open a pickle jar without breaking a sweat.”

By shifting the focus from rigid targets to how we want to feel and the experiences we want to have, we can create lasting, positive change with a completely different approach. I encourage you to redefine your goals with this new perspective, aiming for a more fulfilling journey rather than just a final achievement. Tune in to discover how to set goals that truly inspire and maybe even make you have a little more fun along the way!

Working on becoming...
Mindfully Yours Podcast
Mindfully Yours talks about creating a healthier lifestyle that fits perfectly in your day-to-day life. We're here to help you create a body and life you love!