Sitemap - 2024 - Working on becoming...

Knock Knock... Unhealed 20-year-old trauma here, can I come in?

Are you fully prepared to live the life of your dreams?

When your Old Self stands in disbelief and mutters, “I thought I was your Ride or Die”, as you slowly morph into New Shiny Self

You gotta believe! Why your stories matter when it comes to weight loss

How to unlock guidance whenever you need it.

Want to come to my cheese and cracker party I'm hosting on my sectional sofa with all the chocolate bunnies?

Aspiring writer realizes she does household chores instead of actual writing

Here's a whopper of a mantra I can get behind

In other news, woman keeps problem alive by convincing herself the same failed approach will eventually do the trick. Will she die before she ever solves her problem?

How meditation is helping me to become less of a jerk

What is this thing called Rest?

Do we struggle to relax and rest?

Creating art for fun? Finding sparks of joy? Playful parenting?

A Two-Step Process for Real Self-Care

Welcome to "Working on Becoming..." Here's what you can expect during your visit

Thank you debilitating self-doubt, you've been great—not really—now please go die in peace

My reusable bags embarrass me? Plus cringe-worthy memories of middle school that keep me from volunteering, and the safety of zoom replays—who am I?

May you rest in peace my old limiting beliefs

Pinky-swearing, Becoming a Match & Losing Over an Inch

How I lost over an inch around my waist

Learning to be like water 💧

Welcome back, I've been busy & that's a lie

Wait a minute... you're telling me I'M the one standing in my way?

Why we are our own worst enemies

The "I want to, BUT..." looping conversation needs to be addressed

The "I want it BUT..." conversation we're all having

On Rebranding January

The one resolution that will make your year a heck of a lot more fun!

When your habits turn against you...